Porter Academy calendar 2025-2026
Regular School Hours
Morning carpool: 8:00 – 8:20
Afternoon carpool: 3:10-3:30.
Early Pick-Up: If you need to pick up your child early, make sure to arrive by 2:45 (1:45 on Wednesdays). If you arrive after this time, you will be asked to join the regular carpool line.
Before School Care: Available from 7:15 AM to 8:00 AM, with latest drop off at 7:45.
After School Care: Students remaining at school at 3:30 (2:30 on Wednesdays) will automatically go to our After School program. After school is available until 5:45 each day.
You do not need to register for either before school or after school care; just drop in.
The cost for both before and after school care is $10 per hour, prorated every 1/4 hour. You will receive a monthly invoice from the school for the days your child attends.
For Parents trying to reach the Extended Day staff after school hours, please call 404-326-0331.