Porter Academy Summer Camp
Testing shows that many students lose academic skills over Summer Break. Our goal with Porter Academy Summer Camp is to prevent that from happening while providing a fun summer day camp experience.
Porter Academy Summer Camp offers integrated cross-curricular thematic units. Academics are integrated into fun activities, as well as taught in a more formal small-group setting each day. Activities integrate reading and math with science, social studies, art, social skills, and cooperative games. Students also receive occupational therapy and music therapy twice a week.
Our program is further enhanced by in-school enrichment activities provided by outside professionals such as the Art Barn, Chattahoochee Nature Center and Nature in a Nutshell.
The Program
- Pre-kindergarten through fourth grade
- Low student to staff ratio of 7 to 1
- Groups of 3-5 students meet for academic enrichment classes based on their age and skill level
- Social skills are developed through teamwork activities and practiced throughout every activity
- Therapies and specials include occupational therapy, music therapy, physical education, and arts and crafts
- Our integrated curriculum ensures that reading, writing, and math skills are developed in creative ways throughout both the morning and afternoon sessions
Morning Session: 9:00-12:30
- The morning focuses on academics to maintain and build skills in reading, language arts, writing, and math.
Full Day: 9:00-3:00
- Full Day combines both the morning and afternoon sessions to give your child both academics and specials such as art, physical education, music therapy, and occupational therapy.
Students are completely immersed in one theme each week. The 2018 session dates and themes are:
- Week 1 June 10-14…………………………………..Grateful Gardening
- Week 2 June 17-21…………………………………..African Safari
- Week 3 June 24-28………………………………….Fiesta Fun
- Week 4 July 1-5*……………………………………..Going Green
- Week 5 July 8-12……………………………………..Up, Up, and Away
* No Camp July 4 in observance of Independence Day
Click the link below to display and print the Enrollment Application Form. Mail the completed form to Porter Academy as indicated at the top of the form.
2019 Camp Enrollment Application
Download our 2019 camp brochure
Download our 2019 camp application
If you have difficulty opening the Application Form, you may need to download and install the Adobe Acrobat Reader. Go to the link below and follow the instructions on the Adobe website to download the correct Reader for your system and install it.
What Sets Us Apart
- Developmentally Grouped Homerooms
- Differentiated and Individualized Academic Instruction
- Utilization of a Variety of Well-Supported Academic Programs and Multi-Sensory Instruction
- Small Groups for Core Academics
- Group Speech-Language, Occupational, and Music Therapy for all